Affiliates sell more with videos

Forbes claims that 90% of people look for product videos on YouTube before buying.

As an affiliate marketer if you are not promoting products via videos you are losing out a huge audience.

With Buzzvid you can make affiliate marketing videos in minutes and dramatically increase your profits.

Step 1

Fill out a small questionnaire to help the Buzzvid wizard understand your product and audience.

All fields are optional except the first two, but more data will generate better results.

Step 2

Based on your input Buzzvid will now generate some eye-catching video hooks for you. Make sure to check out all the categories here to find the best hook.

You can also customize the text by clicking on it.

Step 3

One of the most effective ways of selling online is using a "Pain-Agitate-Solution" formula. What this means is, first you empathize with the audience, then focus on their issues and finally introduce your solution which fixes the problem.

In this step, describe the Pain your audience is feeling and empathize with their problems.

Step 4

We will now educate our audience with myths, facts and existing solutions.

The aim is to create a connection with the viewer, increase trust and position yourself as an expert.

Step 5

Time to finally announce the solution.

You can add the product name, it's logo or actual image and a small description here.

Here you add a list of immediate benefits the viewer will receive by getting this product. For best results, try to state benefits instead of features, i.e. You can store up to 1 million songs (benefit) vs You get 10 GB storage (feature).

Step 6

Add social proof like testimonials, screenshots, before and after photos to increase viewer's trust.

This step can dramatically improve your CTR and increase profits.